Meaning of ભ્રામક in English
- Walking.
- Out of the right, either in a literal or in a figurative sense; wandering; as, to lead one astray.
- of Blunder
- Characterized by blunders.
- A woman who corrupts.
- Capable of being deceived; deceivable.
- Tending to deceive; having power to mislead, or impress with false opinions; as, a deceptive countenance or appearance.
- Deceptive.
- Direct; proving directly; -- applied to reasoning, and opposed to elenchtic or refutative.
- Capable of being deluded; liable to be imposed on; gullible.
- One who deludes; a deceiver; an impostor.
- of Delude
- Of or pertaining to delusions; as, delusional monomania.
- In a humble manner.
- of Desulphurate
- Capable of being drawn aside or distracted.
- A binary compound of sulphur containing two atoms of sulphur in each molecule; -- formerly called disulphuret. Cf. Bisulphide.
- Embolismic.
- Pertaining to an embolism; produced by an embolism; as, an embolic abscess.
- Pushing or growing in; -- said of a kind of invagination. See under Invagination.
- Alt. of Embolismical
- Something inserted, as a wedge; the piston or sucker of a pump or syringe.
- A plug of some substance lodged in a blood vessel, being brought thither by the blood current. It consists most frequently of a clot of fibrin, a detached shred of a morbid growth, a globule of fat, or a microscopic organism.
- Alt. of Embryological
- Having an embryo.
- Embryonic.
- Embryonic; undeveloped.
- Pudding stone.
- Having an offensive smell; stinking.
- Capable of being split, cleft, or divided in the direction of the grain, like wood, or along natural planes of cleavage, like crystals.
- Of or pertaining to the hallux.
- To wander; to go astray; to err; to blunder; -- used of mental processes.
- One whose judgment and acts are affected by hallucinations; one who errs on account of his hallucinations.
- Partaking of, or tending to produce, hallucination.
- of Illude
- Liable to illusion.
- Deceiving by false show; deceitful; deceptive; false; illusory; unreal.
- Deceiving, or tending of deceive; fallacious; illusive; as, illusory promises or hopes.
- Not glorious; not bringing honor or glory; not accompanied with fame, honor, or celebrity; obscure; humble; as, an inglorious life of ease.
- Shameful; disgraceful; ignominious; as, inglorious flight, defeat, etc.
- Growing or appearing to grow into some other substance.
- Rushing in or upon.
- of Mislead
- Leading astray; delusive.
- An error in pleading.
- To instruct amiss.
- Overhanging; as, obumbrant feathers.
- One who recriminates.
- Not capable of being repulsed.
Meaning of ભ્રામક in English
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