Meaning of બિનઅનુભવી in English
- That can not be execrated enough.
- Not to be persuaded or moved by entreaty or prayer; firm; determined; unyielding; unchangeable; inflexible; relentless; as, an inexorable prince or tyrant; an inexorable judge.
- In an inexorable manner; inflexibly.
- The quality or state of being inexorable.
- Not to be expected or anticipated.
- Not expectant.
- Absence of expectation.
- Unexpected.
- Unexpectedness.
- Not expedient; not tending to promote a purpose; not tending to the end desired; inadvisable; unfit; improper; unsuitable to time and place; as, what is expedient at one time may be inexpedient at another.
- Not expediently; unfitly.
- Not having experience unskilled.
- Destitute of experience or of much experience.
- Not expert; not skilled; destitute of knowledge or dexterity derived from practice.
- In an inexpiable manner of degree; to a degree that admits of no atonement.
- Not appeased or placated.
- Not explosive.
- A state of not being exposed.
- Breeches; trousers.
- In an inexpressible manner or degree; unspeakably; unutterably.
- The state or quality of being inexpressive.
- Inexpressible.
- Without expression or meaning; not expressive; dull; unintelligent; as, an inexpressive countenance.
- Not capable of being extirpated or rooted out; ineradicable.
- Containing no bitumen; not bituminous.
- To thaw; to become liquid again.
- Inexpedient.
- Not experienced; being without experience; inexperienced.
- Untried; -- applied to things.
- Inexperienced.
- Not produced by labor or toil.
- Not cultivated; untitled; as, an unlabored field.
- Not laboriously produced, or not evincing labor; as, an unlabored style or work.
- Not prevented or hindered; as, unprevented sorrows.
- Not preceded by anything.
- Alt. of Unsophisticated
Meaning of બિનઅનુભવી in English
English usage of બિનઅનુભવી
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