Meaning of નોંધપાત્ર in English
- Worthy of consideration, borne in mind, or attended to.
- Of some distinction; noteworthy; influential; respectable; -- said of persons.
- Of importance or value.
- In a manner or to a degree not trifling or unimportant; greatly; much.
- Remarkable.
- Capable of being noted; noticeable; plan; evident.
- Worthy of notice; remarkable; memorable; noted or distinguished; as, a notable event, person.
- Well-known; notorious.
- A person, or thing, of distinction.
- One of a number of persons, before the revolution of 1789, chiefly of the higher orders, appointed by the king to constitute a representative body.
- Worthy of observation or notice; remarkable.
- In a noticeable manner.
- Capable of being referred, or considered in relation to something else; assignable; ascribable.
- Worthy of being remarked or noticed; noticeable; conspicuous; hence, uncommon; extraordinary.
- Suitable to be signed; requiring signature; as, a legal document signable by a particular person.
- Fitted or designed to signify or make known somethingl having a meaning; standing as a sign or token; expressive or suggestive; as, a significant word or sound; a significant look.
- Deserving to be considered; important; momentous; as, a significant event.
- That which has significance; a sign; a token; a symbol.
- Belonging to substance; actually existing; real; as, substantial life.
- Not seeming or imaginary; not illusive; real; solid; true; veritable.
- Corporeal; material; firm.
- Having good substance; strong; stout; solid; firm; as, substantial cloth; a substantial fence or wall.
- Possessed of goods or an estate; moderately wealthy; responsible; as, a substantial freeholder.
- of Substantialize
- To make substantial.
- In a substantial manner; in substance; essentially.
- Betokening or expressing existence; as, the substantive verb, that is, the verb to be.
- Depending on itself; independent.
- Enduring; solid; firm; substantial.
- Pertaining to, or constituting, the essential part or principles; as, the law substantive.
- A noun or name; the part of speech which designates something that exists, or some object of thought, either material or immaterial; as, the words man, horse, city, goodness, excellence, are substantives.
- To substantivize.
Meaning of નોંધપાત્ર in English
English usage of નોંધપાત્ર
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