Meaning of ત્રિમાસિક in English
- of Quarterly
- Containing, or consisting of, a fourth part; as, quarterly seasons.
- Recurring during, or at the end of, each quarter; as, quarterly payments of rent; a quarterly meeting.
- A periodical work published once a quarter, or four times in a year.
- By quarters; once in a quarter of a year; as, the returns are made quarterly.
- In quarters, or quarterings; as, to bear arms quarterly; in four or more parts; -- said of a shield thus divided by lines drawn through it at right angles.
- Including, or relating to, the interval of three hundred years; tercentenary.
- A period of three centuries, or three hundred years, also, the three-hundredth anniversary of any event; a tercentenary.
- Of or pertaining to thirty years; consisting of thirty years; occurring once in every thirty years.
- Of or pertaining to a triclinium, or to the ancient mode of reclining at table.
- Tridactyl.
- Continuing three years; as, triennial parliaments; a triennial reign.
- Happening, coming about, or appearing once in every three years; as, triennial elections; a triennial catalogue; a triennial visitation.
- Something which takes place or appears once in three years.
- Once in three years.
- Marked with three spots, or maculae.
- Having the parts in threes.
- Of, pertaining to, or designating, a tribasic acid, C6H3.(CO2)3, of the aromatic series, obtained, by the oxidation of mesitylene, as a white crystalline substance.
- A term or period of three months.
- Trimestrial.
- Of or pertaining to a trimester, or period of three months; occurring once in every three months; quarterly.
- Consisting of three poetical measures.
- A poetical division of verse, consisting of three measures.
- A prefix or combining form (also used adjectively) indicating the presence of three methyl groups.
- A gaseous hydrocarbon, C3H6, isomeric with propylene and obtained from it indirectly. It is the base of a series of compounds analogous to the aromatic hydrocarbons.
- Same as Trimeter.
- A combination of three vowel sounds in a single syllable, forming a simple or compound sound; also, a union of three vowel characters, representing together a single sound; a trigraph; as, eye, -ieu in adieu, -eau in beau, are examples of triphthongs.
- Of or pertaining to a triphthong; consisting of three vowel sounds pronounced together in a single syllable.
- Arranged in three vertical or spiral rows.
- Arranged in three vertical rows.
Meaning of ત્રિમાસિક in English
English usage of ત્રિમાસિક
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