Meaning of છોડવું in English
- To dry up; to deprive or exhaust of moisture; to preserve by drying; as, to desiccate fish or fruit.
- To become dry.
- To yield or give up; to depart.
- To shun; to avoid, as something wrong, or from a feeling of distaste; to keep one's self clear of.
- To escape from; to avoid.
- To make loose; to free from tightness, tension, firmness, or fixedness; to make less dense or compact; as, to loosen a string, or a knot; to loosen a rock in the earth.
- To free from restraint; to set at liberty..
- To remove costiveness from; to facilitate or increase the alvine discharges of.
- To become loose; to become less tight, firm, or compact.
- A rent reserved in grants of land, by the payment of which the tenant is quit from other service.
- To loosen, as something interlaced or knotted; to disengage the parts of; as, to untie a knot.
- To free from fastening or from restraint; to let loose; to unbind.
- To resolve; to unfold; to clear.
- To become untied or loosed.
Meaning of છોડવું in English
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