
Meaning of ચતુર્ભુજ in English

  • That may be sqyared, or reduced to an equivalent square; -- said of a surface when the area limited by a curve can be exactly found, and expressed in a finite number of algebraic terms.
  • Consisting of forty; forty years old.
  • The forty days of fast preceding Easter; Lent.
  • Belonging to Lent; used in Lent; Lenten.
  • A plane figure having four angles, and consequently four sides; any figure having four angles.
  • A square or quadrangular space or inclosure, such a space or court surrounded by buildings, esp. such a court in a college or public school in England.
  • Having four angles, and consequently four sides; tetragonal.
  • Of or pertaining to a quadrant; also, included in the fourth part of a circle; as, quadrantal space.
  • A cubical vessel containing a Roman cubic foot, each side being a Roman square foot; -- used as a measure.
  • A cube.
  • of Quadrans
  • Having four equal sides, the opposite sides parallel, and four right angles; square.
  • Produced by multiplying a number by itself; square.
  • Square; even; balanced; equal; exact.
  • Squared; suited; correspondent.
  • A plane surface with four equal sides and four right angles; a square; hence, figuratively, anything having the outline of a square.
  • An aspect of the heavenly bodies in which they are distant from each other 90¡, or the quarter of a circle; quartile. See the Note under Aspect, 6.
  • The quadrate bone.
  • To square; to agree; to suit; to correspond; -- followed by with.
  • To adjust (a gun) on its carriage; also, to train (a gun) for horizontal firing.
  • of Quadrate
  • Of or pertaining to a square, or to squares; resembling a quadrate, or square; square.
  • Tetragonal.
  • Pertaining to terms of the second degree; as, a quadratic equation, in which the highest power of the unknown quantity is a square.
  • Of or pertaining to the quadrate and jugal bones.
  • Of or pertaining to the quadratojugal bone.
  • The quadratojugal bone.
  • A square piece of turf or peat.
  • A square brick, tile, or the like.
  • Comprising four years; as, a quadrennial period.
  • Occurring once in four years, or at the end of every four years; as, quadrennial games.
  • Once in four years.
  • A space or period of four years.
  • Same as Tetrabasic.
  • Having four capsules.
  • The great extensor muscle of the knee, divided above into four parts which unite in a single tendon at the knee.
  • Of or pertaining to the quadriceps.
  • Any quadricornous animal.
  • Having four ribs.
  • Having four horns, or hornlike organs; as, a quadricornous beetle.
  • Having four teeth; as, a quadridentate leaf.
  • Same as Quadrennial.
  • Arranged in four rows or ranks; as, quadrifarious leaves.
  • Divided, or deeply cleft, into four parts; as, a quadrifid perianth; a quadrifid leaf.
  • Alt. of Quadrifoliate
  • Four-leaved; having the leaves in whorls of four.
  • Having four forks, or branches.
  • Alt. of Quadrigeminous
  • Fourfold; having four similar parts, or two pairs of similar parts.
  • Consisting of four hundred.
  • Pinnate, with four pairs of leaflets; as, a quadrijugous leaf.
  • Same as Quadrijugous.
  • Having four sides, and consequently four angles; quadrangular.
  • A plane figure having four sides, and consequently four angles; a quadrangular figure; any figure formed by four lines.
  • An area defended by four fortresses supporting each other; as, the Venetian quadrilateral, comprising Mantua, Peschiera, Verona, and Legnano.
  • Consisting of four letters.
  • Alt. of Quadrilobed
  • Having four lobes; as, a quadrilobate leaf.
  • Having four cells, or cavities; as, a quadrilocular heart.
  • Possessing four nodes; as, quadrinodal curves.
  • Quadrinomial.
  • A polynomial of four terms connected by the signs plus or minus.
  • Divided into four parts.
  • Having four wings; -- said of insects.
  • In four parts.
  • A division or distribution by four, or into four parts; also, a taking the fourth part of any quantity or number.
  • Having four leaves; quadrifoliate.
  • A subdivision into four parts.
  • Having four hoofs; as, a quadrisulcate foot; a quadrisulcate animal.
  • Alt. of Quadri-syllabical
  • A word consisting of four syllables.
  • The quality or state of being quadrivalent; tetravalence.
  • Having a valence of four; capable of combining with, being replaced by, or compared with, four monad atoms; tetravalent; -- said of certain atoms and radicals; thus, carbon and silicon are quadrivalent elements.
  • Dehiscent into four similar parts; four-valved; as, a quadrivalve pericarp.
  • A door, shutter, or the like, having four folds.
  • Having four valves; quadrivalve.
  • Having four ways meeting in a point.
  • One of the four "liberal arts" making up the quadrivium.
  • The four "liberal arts," arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy; -- so called by the schoolmen. See Trivium.
  • The offspring of a mulatto and a white person; a person quarter-blooded.
  • One of the Quadrumana.
  • Having four hands; of or pertaining to the Quadrumana.
  • Having four feet; of or pertaining to a quadruped.
  • Fourfold; folded or doubled twice.
  • To make fourfold; to double twice; to quadruple.
  • Fourfold; doubled twice; four times repeated; as, a quadruplicate ratio, or a quadruplicate proportion.
  • Raised to the fourth power.
  • of Quadruplicate
  • The act of making fourfold; a taking four times the simple sum or amount.
  • Same as Quadrate.
  • Consisting of four; by fours, or in sets of four.
  • Later than, or subsequent to, the Tertiary; Post-tertiary; as, the Quaternary age, or Age of man.
  • The number four.
  • The Quaternary age, era, or formation. See the Chart of Geology.
  • Composed of, or arranged in, sets of four; quaternary; as, quaternate leaves.
  • A set of four parts, things, or person; four things taken collectively; a group of four words, phrases, circumstances, facts, or the like.
  • A word of four syllables; a quadrisyllable.
  • The quotient of two vectors, or of two directed right lines in space, considered as depending on four geometrical elements, and as expressible by an algebraic symbol of quadrinomial form.
  • To divide into quaternions, files, or companies.
  • Quiddative.
  • Having the form of a quincunx.
  • Having the leaves of a pentamerous calyx or corolla so imbricated that two are exterior, two are interior, and the other has one edge exterior and one interior; as, quincuncial aestivation.
  • A plane figure with fifteen angles, and consequently fifteen sides.
  • Relating to the five articles or points; as, the quinquarticular controversy between Arminians and Calvinists.
  • Consisting of five letters.
  • Having five cells or loculi; five-celled; as, a quinquelocular pericarp.
  • Occurring once in five years, or at the end of every five years; also, lasting five years. A quinquennial event.
  • Having five valves, as a pericarp.
  • Same as Pentavalent.
  • One who discusses any subject at pleasure.
  • Not restricted to a particular subject; discussed for curiosity or entertainment.

Meaning of ચતુર્ભુજ in English

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