Meaning of ઘાટ in English
- Hasty in temper; impetuous.
- Brittle, as wood or vegetables.
- A rash or eruption; a sudden or transient fit of sickness.
- Refuse boughs of trees; also, the clippings of hedges.
- Broken and angular fragments of rocks underlying alluvial deposits.
- Broken fragments of ice.
- To mend as a rent or hole, with interlacing stitches of yarn or thread by means of a needle; to sew together with yarn or thread.
- A place mended by darning.
- A colloquial euphemism for Damn.
- Same as Feria.
- Of or pertaining to holidays.
- Belonging to any week day, esp. to a day that is neither a festival nor a fast.
- Wild; untamed; savage; as, lions, tigers, wolves, and bears are ferine beasts.
- A wild beast; a beast of prey.
- A salt of ferric acid.
- The price or fare to be paid for passage at a ferry.
- of Ferry
- To carry or transport over a river, strait, or other narrow water, in a boat.
- To pass over water in a boat or by a ferry.
- A place where persons or things are carried across a river, arm of the sea, etc., in a ferryboat.
- A vessel in which passengers and goods are conveyed over narrow waters; a ferryboat; a wherry.
- A franchise or right to maintain a vessel for carrying passengers and freight across a river, bay, etc., charging tolls.
- One who maintains or attends a ferry.
- of Ferryman
- A flat piece of wood, used for striking, children, esp. on the hand, in punishment.
- To punish with a ferule.
- To flash, as lightning; to lighten; to gleam; to thunder.
- Alt. of Ghaut
- A pass through a mountain.
- A range of mountains.
- Stairs descending to a river; a landing place; a wharf.
- A spot; a blemish; a mole.
- Alt. of Mould
- See 1st Mot.
- A ring for gauging wooden pins.
- To argue for and against; to debate; to discuss; to propose for discussion.
- Specifically: To discuss by way of exercise; to argue for practice; to propound and discuss in a mock court.
- To argue or plead in a supposed case.
- A meeting for discussion and deliberation; esp., a meeting of the people of a village or district, in Anglo-Saxon times, for the discussion and settlement of matters of common interest; -- usually in composition; as, folk-moot.
- A discussion or debate; especially, a discussion of fictitious causes by way of practice.
- Subject, or open, to argument or discussion; undecided; debatable; mooted.
- of Mot
- Crumbling, soft, friable earth; esp., earth containing the remains or constituents of organic matter, and suited to the growth of plants; soil.
- Earthy material; the matter of which anything is formed; composing substance; material.
- To cover with mold or soil.
- A growth of minute fungi of various kinds, esp. those of the great groups Hyphomycetes, and Physomycetes, forming on damp or decaying organic matter.
- To cause to become moldy; to cause mold to grow upon.
- To become moldy; to be covered or filled, in whole or in part, with a mold.
- The matrix, or cavity, in which anything is shaped, and from which it takes its form; also, the body or mass containing the cavity; as, a sand mold; a jelly mold.
- That on which, or in accordance with which, anything is modeled or formed; anything which serves to regulate the size, form, etc., as the pattern or templet used by a shipbuilder, carpenter, or mason.
- Cast; form; shape; character.
- A group of moldings; as, the arch mold of a porch or doorway; the pier mold of a Gothic pier, meaning the whole profile, section, or combination of parts.
- A fontanel.
- A frame with a wire cloth bottom, on which the pump is drained to form a sheet, in making paper by hand.
- To form into a particular shape; to shape; to model; to fashion.
- To ornament by molding or carving the material of; as, a molded window jamb.
- To knead; as, to mold dough or bread.
- To form a mold of, as in sand, in which a casting may be made.
- Alt. of Mouldy
- See Squall.
Meaning of ઘાટ in English
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