Meaning of ગામઠી in English
- Rustic.
- Of or pertaining to the country; rural; as, the rustic gods of antiquity.
- Rude; awkward; rough; unpolished; as, rustic manners.
- Coarse; plain; simple; as, a rustic entertainment; rustic dress.
- Simple; artless; unadorned; unaffected.
- An inhabitant of the country, especially one who is rude, coarse, or dull; a clown.
- A rural person having a natural simplicity of character or manners; an artless, unaffected person.
- To go into or reside in the country; to ruralize.
- To require or compel to reside in the country; to banish or send away temporarily; to impose rustication on.
- of Rusticate
- The act of rusticating, or the state of being rusticated; specifically, the punishment of a student for some offense, by compelling him to leave the institution for a time.
- Rustic work.
Meaning of ગામઠી in English
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