Meaning of ક્રૂરતા in English
- See Edentata.
- The nature or characteristic qualities or actions of a brute; extreme stupidity, or beastly vulgarity.
- A crude, undigested, or unprepared state; rawness; unripeness; immatureness; unfitness for a destined use or purpose; as, the crudeness of iron ore; crudeness of theories or plans.
- The condition of being crude; rawness.
- That which is in a crude or undigested state; hence, superficial, undigested views, not reduced to order or form.
- Cruelty.
- The attribute or quality of being cruel; a disposition to give unnecessary pain or suffering to others; inhumanity; barbarity.
- A cruel and barbarous deed; inhuman treatment; the act of willfully causing unnecessary pain.
- of Cruelty
- The quality of being peremptory; positiveness.
- The state or quality of being savage.
- The state of being savage; savageness; savagism.
- An act of cruelty; barbarity.
- Wild growth, as of plants.
Meaning of ક્રૂરતા in English
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