Meaning of કલ્પનાશીલ in English
- Headless.
- Without a distinct head; -- a term applied to bivalve mollusks.
- Having the style spring from the base, instead of from the apex, as is the case in certain ovaries.
- Without a leader or chief.
- Wanting the beginning.
- Deficient and the beginning, as a line of poetry.
- Alt. of Apothegmatical
- A collector or maker of apothegms.
- Capable of being conceived, imagined, or understood.
- Capable of being conceived; conceivable.
- Capable of conceiving.
- Capable of being conferred.
- Capable of being conjectured or guessed.
- Capable of being devised, invented, or contrived.
- Capable of being bequeathed, or given by will.
- Pertaining to, or containing, enunciation; declarative.
- Having an expanded, or fan-shaped, tail; as, the fan-tailed pigeon.
- Filled with fancies or imaginations.
- Belonging to the Filices, r ferns.
- Alt. of Idiosyncratical
- Capable of being imagined; conceivable.
- Unfashionable.
- Pertaining to, or like, Limax, or the slugs.
- One whose opinions are ungrounded notions.
- See Opiniaster. [Obs.].
- Opinionative.
- Capable of being perceived; perceptible.
- Capable of being perceived; cognizable; discernible; perceivable.
- Telling tales officiously.
- The act of informing officiously; communication of sectrts, scandal, etc., maliciously.
- Full of stories.
- Not thinking; not heedful; thoughtless; inconsiderate; as, unthinking youth.
- Not indicating thought or reflection; thoughtless.
Meaning of કલ્પનાશીલ in English
English usage of કલ્પનાશીલ
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