Meaning of કપાળ in English
- The prominent ridge over the eye, with the hair that covers it, forming an arch above the orbit.
- The hair that covers the brow (ridge over the eyes); the eyebrow.
- The forehead; as, a feverish brow.
- The general air of the countenance.
- The edge or projecting upper part of a steep place; as, the brow of a precipice; the brow of a hill.
- To bound to limit; to be at, or form, the edge of.
- One who performs the operation of cupping.
- A pendant for the ear; an earring; as, a pair of eardrops.
- A species of primrose. See Auricula.
- The front of that part of the head which incloses the brain; that part of the face above the eyes; the brow.
- The aspect or countenance; assurance.
- The front or fore part of anything.
Meaning of કપાળ in English
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