Meaning of ਮਨੋਰੰਜਨ in English
- Deep thought; muse.
- The state of being amused; pleasurable excitement; that which amuses; diversion.
- To be at the charges of; to take or keep in one's service; to maintain; to support; to harbor; to keep.
- To give hospitable reception and maintenance to; to receive at one's board, or into one's house; to receive as a guest.
- To engage the attention of agreeably; to amuse with that which makes the time pass pleasantly; to divert; as, to entertain friends with conversation, etc.
- To give reception to; to receive, in general; to receive and take into consideration; to admit, treat, or make use of; as, to entertain a proposal.
- To meet or encounter, as an enemy.
- To keep, hold, or maintain in the mind with favor; to keep in the mind; to harbor; to cherish; as, to entertain sentiments.
- To lead on; to bring along; to introduce.
- To receive, or provide entertainment for, guests; as, he entertains generously.
- Entertainment.
- of Entertain
- The act of receiving as host, or of amusing, admitting, or cherishing; hospitable reception; also, reception or treatment, in general.
- That which entertains, or with which one is entertained; as: (a) Hospitality; hospitable provision for the wants of a guest; especially, provision for the table; a hospitable repast; a feast; a formal or elegant meal. (b) That which engages the attention agreeably, amuses or diverts, whether in private, as by conversation, etc., or in public, by performances of some kind; amusement.
- Admission into service; service.
- Payment of soldiers or servants; wages.
- Freedom from occupation or business; vacant time; time free from employment.
- Time at one's command, free from engagement; convenient opportunity; hence, convenience; ease.
- Unemployed; as, leisure hours.
- The act of recreating, or the state of being recreated; refreshment of the strength and spirits after toil; amusement; diversion; sport; pastime.
- A forming anew; a new creation or formation.
- A prerogative of royalty.
- To enerta/n in a regal or sumptuous manner; to enrtertain with something that delights; to gratify; to refresh; as, to regale the taste, the eye, or the ear.
- To feast; t/ fare sumtuously.
- A sumptuous repast; a banquet.
- The act or process of relaxing, or the state of being relaxed; as, relaxation of the muscles; relaxation of a law.
- Remission from attention and effort; indulgence in recreation, diversion, or amusement.
Meaning of ਮਨੋਰੰਜਨ in English
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