Meaning of হতাশ in English
- Marked by despondence; given to despondence; low-spirited; as, a despondent manner; a despondent prisoner.
- Defeated of expectation or hope; balked; as, a disappointed person or hope.
- Unprepared; unequipped.
- of Dishearten
- Cast downward; directed to the ground, from bashfulness, modesty, dejection, or guilt.
- Downcast or melancholy look.
- A ventilating shaft down which the air passes in circulating through a mine.
- Dejected; low-spirited.
- Vain; ineffectual; useless; unprofitable; null; voil; nugatory; of no effect.
- To bring to nothing; to prevent from attaining a purpose; to disappoint; to defeat; to baffle; as, to frustrate a plan, design, or attempt; to frustrate the will or purpose.
- To make null; to nullifly; to render invalid or of no effect; as, to frustrate a conveyance or deed.
- of Frustrate
- That may be impeached; liable to impeachment; chargeable with a crime.
- Suffragan.
Meaning of হতাশ in English
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