Meaning of বানান in English
- of Coin
- The art or practice of writing words with the proper letters, according to standard usage; conventionally correct spelling; also, mode of spelling; as, his orthography is vicious.
- The part of grammar which treats of the letters, and of the art of spelling words correctly.
- A drawing in correct projection, especially an elevation or a vertical section.
- of Spell
- The act of one who spells; formation of words by letters; orthography.
- Of or pertaining to spelling.
- A theater.
- imp. & p. p. of Spell. Spelled.
- A species of grain (Triticum Spelta) much cultivated for food in Germany and Switzerland; -- called also German wheat.
- Spelter.
- To split; to break; to spalt.
- Power or effect of magic; that which is wrought by magic; enchantment.
Meaning of বানান in English
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