Meaning of প্রস্ফুটিত in English
- In or into bloom; in a blooming state.
- of Bloom
- The process of making blooms from the ore or from cast iron.
- Opening in blossoms; flowering.
- Thriving in health, beauty, and vigor; indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health.
- of Blow
- Swollen; inflated; distended; puffed up, as cattle when gorged with green food which develops gas.
- Stale; worthless.
- Out of breath; tired; exhausted.
- Covered with the eggs and larvae of flies; fly blown.
- Opened; in blossom or having blossomed, as a flower.
Meaning of প্রস্ফুটিত in English
English usage of প্রস্ফুটিত
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