Meaning of খালি করা in English
- To empty or unload, as the vessels of human system, by bloodletting or by medicine.
- To reduce by destroying or consuming the vital powers of; to exhaust, as a country of its strength or resources, a treasury of money, etc.
- To make empty; to empty out; to remove the contents of; as, to evacuate a vessel or dish.
- Fig.: To make empty; to deprive.
- To remove; to eject; to void; to discharge, as the contents of a vessel, or of the bowels.
- To withdraw from; to quit; to retire from; as, soldiers from a country, city, or fortress.
- To make void; to nullify; to vacate; as, to evacuate a contract or marriage.
- To let blood
- To strip of drapery; to uncover or unveil.
- Having but one gill, as certain molluscs.
- To make vacant; to leave empty; to cease from filling or occupying; as, it was resolved by Parliament that James had vacated the throne of England; the tenant vacated the house.
- To annul; to make void; to deprive of force; to make of no authority or validity; as, to vacate a commission or a charter; to vacate proceedings in a cause.
- To defeat; to put an end to.
Meaning of খালি করা in English
English usage of খালি করা
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