Meaning of আনন্দিত in English
- Having or showing good spirits or joy; cheering; cheery; contented; happy; joyful; lively; animated; willing.
- Pleased; joyous; happy; cheerful; gratified; -- opposed to sorry, sorrowful, or unhappy; -- said of persons, and often followed by of, at, that, or by the infinitive, and sometimes by with, introducing the cause or reason.
- Wearing a gay or bright appearance; expressing or exciting joy; producing gladness; exhilarating.
- To make glad; to cheer; to gladden; to exhilarate.
- To be glad; to rejoice.
- of Glad
- To feel joy; to experience gladness in a high degree; to have pleasurable satisfaction; to be delighted.
- To enjoy.
- To give joy to; to make joyful; to gladden.
- The act of rejoicing.
Meaning of আনন্দিত in English
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