Meaning of অপবিত্রতা in English
- The act or process of contaminating; pollution; defilement; taint; also, that which contaminates.
- The protection of the interior walls of a fortification from an enfilading fire, as by covering them, or by a high parapet on the exposed side.
- The act of defiling, or state of being defiled, whether physically or morally; pollution; foulness; dirtiness; uncleanness.
- The act of desecrating; profanation; condition of anything desecrated.
- The condition or quality of being impure in any sense; defilement; foulness; adulteration.
- That which is, or which renders anything, impure; foul matter, action, language, etc.; a foreign ingredient.
- Want of ceremonial purity; defilement.
- The quality or state of being profane; profaneness; irreverence; esp., the use of profane language; blasphemy.
- That which is profane; profane language or acts.
Meaning of অপবিত্রতা in English
English usage of অপবিত্রতা
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