Meaning of सराहना in English
- To show approval of by clapping the hands, acclamation, or other significant sign.
- To praise by words; to express approbation of; to commend; to approve.
- To express approbation loudly or significantly.
- of Applaud
- To set a price or value on; to estimate justly; to value.
- To raise the value of; to increase the market price of; -- opposed to depreciate.
- To be sensible of; to distinguish.
- To rise in value. [See note under Rise, v. i.]
- Having or showing a just or ready appreciation or perception; as, an appreciative audience.
- To commit, intrust, or give in charge for care or preservation.
- To recommend as worthy of confidence or regard; to present as worthy of notice or favorable attention.
- To mention with approbation; to praise; as, to commend a person or an act.
- To mention by way of courtesy, implying remembrance and good will.
- Commendation; praise.
- Compliments; greetings.
- of Commend
- of Hymn
- Praising with hymns; singing.
- The singing of hymns.
- of Merit
- of Panegyrize
Meaning of सराहना in English
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