Meaning of संदेह in English
- To stop or hesitate as if suddenly frightened, or in doubt, or impeded by unforeseen difficulties; to take alarm; to exhibit hesitancy and indecision.
- To do anything awkwardly or unskillfully.
- To play fast and loose; to dissemble.
- To embarrass with difficulties; to make a bungle or botch of.
- of Dubiety
- The act of hesitating, or pausing to consider; slowness in deciding; vacillation; also, the manner of one who hesitates.
- A stammering; a faltering in speech.
- of Misgive
- Evil premonition; doubt; distrust.
- Want of confidence or trust; suspicion; distrust.
- To regard with jealousy or suspicion; to suspect; to doubt the integrity of; to distrust.
- To forebode as near, or likely to occur; to surmise.
- A weight of twenty grains; the third part of a dram.
- Hence, a very small quantity; a particle.
- Hesitation as to action from the difficulty of determining what is right or expedient; unwillingness, doubt, or hesitation proceeding from motives of conscience.
- To be reluctant or to hesitate, as regards an action, on account of considerations of conscience or expedience.
- To regard with suspicion; to hesitate at; to question.
- To excite scruples in; to cause to scruple.
- The act of suspecting; the imagination or apprehension of the existence of something (esp. something wrong or hurtful) without proof, or upon very slight evidence, or upon no evidence.
- Slight degree; suggestion; hint.
- To view with suspicion; to suspect; to doubt.
Meaning of संदेह in English
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