Meaning of विलाप in English
- To express or feel sorrow; to weep or wail; to mourn.
- To mourn for; to bemoan; to bewail.
- Grief or sorrow expressed in complaints or cries; lamentation; a wailing; a moaning; a weeping.
- An elegy or mournful ballad, or the like.
- The act of bewailing; audible expression of sorrow; wailing; moaning.
- A book of the Old Testament attributed to the prophet Jeremiah, and taking its name from the nature of its contents.
- of Lament
- Lamentation.
- To make a low prolonged sound of grief or pain, whether articulate or not; to groan softly and continuously.
- To emit a sound like moan; -- said of things inanimate; as, the wind moans.
- To bewail audibly; to lament.
- To afflict; to distress.
- A low prolonged sound, articulate or not, indicative of pain or of grief; a low groan.
- A low mournful or murmuring sound; -- of things.
- of Bemoan
- The act of bewailing.
- Transportation; conveyance.
Meaning of विलाप in English
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