Meaning of विचित्रता in English
- The state of being odd, or not even.
- Singularity; strangeness; eccentricity; irregularity; uncouthness; as, the oddness of dress or shape; the oddness of an event.
- The state or quality of being strange (in any sense of the adjective).
- Partial blindness, or a tendency to blindness.
- The manners of a clown; coarseness or rudeness of behavior.
- Conicalness.
- Feculence.
- Opposition; impediment; obstruction.
- The quality or state of being odd; singularity; queerness; peculiarity; as, oddity of dress, manners, and the like.
- That which is odd; as, a collection of oddities.
- Alt. of Parvity
- The state or quality of being peccable; lability to sin.
- The quality or state of being peccant.
- A sin; an offense.
- of Peculiarity
Meaning of विचित्रता in English
English usage of विचित्रता
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