Meaning of वंशज in English
- of Descend
- Descending; falling; proceeding from an ancestor or source.
- Descendent.
- One who descends, as offspring, however remotely; -- correlative to ancestor or ascendant.
- The act of production; generation.
- That which is produced; a child or children; a descendant or descendants, however remote from the stock.
- Origin; lineage; family.
- A shoot or sprout of a plant; a sucker.
- A piece of a slender branch or twig cut for grafting.
- Hence, a descendant; an heir; as, a scion of a royal stock.
- The quality of being descendible; capability of being transmitted from ancestors; as, the descendibility of an estate.
- Admitting descent; capable of being descended.
- That may descend from an ancestor to an heir.
- The act of descending, or passing downward; change of place from higher to lower.
- Incursion; sudden attack; especially, hostile invasion from sea; -- often followed by upon or on; as, to make a descent upon the enemy.
- Progress downward, as in station, virtue, as in station, virtue, and the like, from a higher to a lower state, from a higher to a lower state, from the more to the less important, from the better to the worse, etc.
- Derivation, as from an ancestor; procedure by generation; lineage; birth; extraction.
- Transmission of an estate by inheritance, usually, but not necessarily, in the descending line; title to inherit an estate by reason of consanguinity.
- Inclination downward; a descending way; inclined or sloping surface; declivity; slope; as, a steep descent.
- That which is descended; descendants; issue.
- A step or remove downward in any scale of gradation; a degree in the scale of genealogy; a generation.
- Lowest place; extreme downward place.
- A passing from a higher to a lower tone.
Meaning of वंशज in English
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