Meaning of लबाडी in English
- A mantelpiece.
- Corruption of fidelity; seduction from virtue, duty, or allegiance.
- Excessive indulgence of the appetites; especially, excessive indulgence of lust; intemperance; sensuality; habitual lewdness.
- To ambush.
- Cheating; deception.
- A made-up story; stuff; nonsense; humbug; -- often an exclamation of contempt.
- To make up; to devise; to contrive; to fabricate.
- To foist; to interpolate.
- Rapid and inarticulate talk; unintelligible language; unmeaning words; jargon.
- Unmeaning; as, gibberish language.
- A deception for mockery or mischief; a deceptive trick or story; a practical joke.
- To deceive by a story or a trick, for sport or mischief; to impose upon sportively.
- One who hoaxes.
- of Hoax
- The quality of being impudent; assurance, accompanied with a disregard of the presence or opinions of others; shamelessness; forwardness; want of modesty.
- Immodesty.
- To lie in ambush for.
- Alt. of Insipidness
- The quality or state of being insipid; vapidity.
- Liable to slip, err, fall, or apostatize.
- A laggard.
- Loathsome.
- A female Moabite.
- Inclined to sleep; sleepy; as, to feel nappy.
- Tending to cause sleepiness; serving to make sleepy; strong; heady; as, nappy ale.
- Having a nap or pile; downy; shaggy.
- A round earthen dish, with a flat bottom and sloping sides.
- Death; decease; the date of one's death.
- A funeral solemnity or office; obsequies.
- A service for the soul of a deceased person on the anniversary of the day of his death.
- A mark or expression of applause; praise bestowed.
- The quality or state of being plucky.
- The quality or state of being rakish.
- State of being a rascal; rascality; domain of rascals; rascals, collectively.
- Any machine or vehicle that does not run smoothly.
- Of a russet color; russet.
- To run with speed; to run or move in a quick, hurried manner; to hasten away.
- A scampering; a hasty flight.
- of Scamper
- The chaffinch.
- The character and opinions of a Jewish scribe in the time of Christ.
- The state of being scrimp.
- That which deceives expectation; any trick, fraud, or device that deludes and disappoint; a make-believe; delusion; imposture, humbug.
- A false front, or removable ornamental covering.
- False; counterfeit; pretended; feigned; unreal; as, a sham fight.
- To trick; to cheat; to deceive or delude with false pretenses.
- To obtrude by fraud or imposition.
- To assume the manner and character of; to imitate; to ape; to feign.
- To make false pretenses; to deceive; to feign; to impose.
- To shriek.
- The missel thrush.
- Alt. of Stalworth
- The quality of being stalwart.
- The quality of being tricky.
Meaning of लबाडी in English
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