Meaning of मोहीम in English
- An open field; a large, open plain without considerable hills. SeeChampaign.
- A connected series of military operations forming a distinct stage in a war; the time during which an army keeps the field.
- Political operations preceding an election; a canvass.
- The period during which a blast furnace is continuously in operation.
- To serve in a campaign.
- An expedient.
- The quality of being expedite; efficient promptness; haste; dispatch; speed; quickness; as to carry the mail with expedition.
- A sending forth or setting forth the execution of some object of consequence; progress.
- An important enterprise, implying a change of place; especially, a warlike enterprise; a march or a voyage with martial intentions; an excursion by a body of persons for a valuable end; as, a military, naval, exploring, or scientific expedition; also, the body of persons making such excursion.
- Of or pertaining to an expedition; as, an expeditionary force.
- One who goes upon an expedition. [R].
Meaning of मोहीम in English
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