Meaning of महल in English
- A fortified residence, especially that of a prince or nobleman; a fortress.
- Any strong, imposing, and stately mansion.
- A small tower, as on a ship, or an elephant's back.
- A piece, made to represent a castle, used in the game of chess; a rook.
- To move the castle to the square next to king, and then the king around the castle to the square next beyond it, for the purpose of covering the king.
- A castle or a fortress in France.
- A manor house or residence of the lord of the manor; a gentleman's country seat; also, particularly, a royal residence; as, the chateau of the Louvre; the chateau of the Luxembourg.
- The residence of a sovereign, including the lodgings of high officers of state, and rooms for business, as well as halls for ceremony and reception.
- The official residence of a bishop or other distinguished personage.
- Loosely, any unusually magnificent or stately house.
Meaning of महल in English
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