Meaning of बाड़ा in English
- A pen for animals; esp., an inclosure made with wagons, by emigrants in the vicinity of hostile Indians, as a place of security for horses, cattle, etc.
- To surround and inclose; to coop up; to put into an inclosed space; -- primarily used with reference to securing horses and cattle in an inclosure of wagons while traversing the plains, but in the Southwestern United States now colloquially applied to the capturing, securing, or penning of anything.
- A sum deducted from a pound, or a certain sum paid for each pound; a commission.
- A subsidy of twelve pence in the pound, formerly granted to the crown on all goods exported or imported, and if by aliens, more.
- The sum allowed to a sheriff or other officer upon the amount realized by an execution; -- estimated in England, and formerly in the United States, at so much of the pound.
- To collect, as poundage; to assess, or rate, by poundage.
- Confinement of cattle, or other animals, in a public pound.
- A charge paid for the release of impounded cattle.
- A line of stout posts or timbers set firmly in the earth in contact with each other (and usually with loopholes) to form a barrier, or defensive fortification.
- An inclosure, or pen, made with posts and stakes.
- To surround, fortify, or protect with a stockade.
Meaning of बाड़ा in English
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