Meaning of बंदी in English
- of Cage
- Confined in, or as in, a cage; like a cage or prison.
- A prisoner taken by force or stratagem, esp., by an enemy, in war; one kept in bondage or in the power of another.
- One charmed or subdued by beaty, excellence, or affection; one who is captivated.
- Made prisoner, especially in war; held in bondage or in confinement.
- Subdued by love; charmed; captivated.
- Of or pertaining to bondage or confinement; serving to confine; as, captive chains; captive hours.
- To take prisoner; to capture.
- A member of a college, particularly of a literary institution so called; a student in a college.
- of Incarcerate
- One who is confined in a prison.
- A person under arrest, or in custody, whether in prison or not; a person held in involuntary restraint; a captive; as, a prisoner at the bar of a court.
- A public proclamation or edict; a public order or notice, mandatory or prohibitory; a summons by public proclamation.
- A calling together of the king's (esp. the French king's) vassals for military service; also, the body of vassals thus assembled or summoned. In present usage, in France and Prussia, the most effective part of the population liable to military duty and not in the standing army.
- Notice of a proposed marriage, proclaimed in church. See Banns (the common spelling in this sense).
- An interdiction, prohibition, or proscription.
- A curse or anathema.
- A pecuniary mulct or penalty laid upon a delinquent for offending against a ban; as, a mulct paid to a bishop by one guilty of sacrilege or other crimes.
- To curse; to invoke evil upon.
- To forbid; to interdict.
- To curse; to swear.
- An ancient title of the warden of the eastern marches of Hungary; now, a title of the viceroy of Croatia and Slavonia.
- Alt. of Bank
- The territory without the walls, but within the legal limits, of a town or city.
- The act of expulsion.
- Notice of a proposed marriage, proclaimed in a church, or other place prescribed by law, in order that any person may object, if he knows of just cause why the marriage should not take place.
- The state of being a captive or a prisoner.
- A state of being under control; subjection of the will or affections; bondage.
- Same as Detortion.
- See Obfuscate, Obfuscation.
- Of or pertaining to Thebes.
- A native or inhabitant of Thebes; also, a wise man.
Meaning of बंदी in English
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