Meaning of प्रशंसनीय in English
- Fitted to excite wonder; wonderful; marvelous.
- Having qualities to excite wonder united with approbation; deserving the highest praise; most excellent; -- used of persons or things.
- Capable of being appreciated or estimated; large enough to be estimated; perceptible; as, an appreciable quantity.
- Worthy of being lauded; praiseworthy; commendable; as, laudable motives; laudable actions; laudable ambition.
- Healthy; salubrious; normal; having a disposition to promote healing; not noxious; as, laudable juices of the body; laudable pus.
- Worthy of being applauded; praiseworthy; commendable; ready.
- Obtaining approbation; specifically pleasing; apparently right; specious; as, a plausible pretext; plausible manners; a plausible delusion.
- Using specious arguments or discourse; as, a plausible speaker.
- Pertaining to, or expressing approval by, acclamation.
- Relating to or expressing admiration or wonder.
- of Admire
- Regarded with wonder and delight; highly prized; as, an admired poem.
- Wonderful; also, admirable.
- Capable of being cited.
- One who holds a living in commendam.
- Capable of bending or yielding; apt to yield; compliant.
- Complimentary.
- Corrigible; amendable.
- Pertaining to emendation; corrective.
- The quality of being laudable; praiseworthiness; commendableness.
- Laudatory.
- A panegyric; a eulogy.
- Of or pertaining praise, or to the expression of praise; as, laudatory verses; the laudatory powers of Dryden.
- Fit to be praised; praise-worthy; laudable; commendable.
- In a praisable manner.
- Praiseworthy.
- In a praiseworthy manner.
Meaning of प्रशंसनीय in English
English usage of प्रशंसनीय
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