Meaning of प्रवासी in English
- The act of emigrating; removal from one country or state to another, for the purpose of residence, as from Europe to America, or, in America, from the Atlantic States to the Western.
- A body emigrants; emigrants collectively; as, the German emigration.
- One of the natives of France who were opposed to the first Revolution, and who left their country in consequence.
- To banish; to drive or force (a person) from his own country; to make an exile of.
- Reflexively, as To expatriate one's self: To withdraw from one's native country; to renounce the rights and liabilities of citizenship where one is born, and become a citizen of another country.
- Migratory.
- A migratory bird or other animal.
- of Alight
- To walk; to move about.
- Dying together or at the same time.
- A piece of apparatus used for reversing the direction of an electrical current; an attachment to certain electrical machines, by means of which alternating currents are made to be continuous or to have the same direction.
- One who commutes; especially, one who commutes in traveling.
- of Commute
- of Expatriate
- The act of banishing, or the state of banishment; especially, the forsaking of one's own country with a renunciation of allegiance.
- One who interpolates; esp., one who inserts foreign or spurious matter in genuine writings.
- Passing or traveling about a country; going or preaching on a circuit; wandering; not settled; as, an itinerant preacher; an itinerant peddler.
- One who travels from place to place, particularly a preacher; one who is unsettled.
- One who journeys.
- Formerly, a man hired to work by the day; now, commonly, one who has mastered a handicraft or trade; -- distinguished from apprentice and from master workman.
- of Journeyman
- A passer or passer-by; a wayfarer.
- A traveler by some established conveyance, as a coach, steamboat, railroad train, etc.
- See Pirogue.
- Effected by, or referable to, divine direction or superintendence; as, the providential contrivance of thing; a providential escape.
- One who upholds or supports that which props; one who, or that which, stays, stops, or restrains; also, colloquially, a horse, man, etc., that has endurance, an a race.
- Migrating or passing from one place or state to another; passing from one residence to another.
- One who transmigrates.
- of Transpire
- One who travels; one who has traveled much.
- A commercial agent who travels for the purpose of receiving orders for merchants, making collections, etc.
- A traveling crane. See under Crane.
- The metal loop which travels around the ring surrounding the bobbin, in a ring spinner.
- An iron encircling a rope, bar, spar, or the like, and sliding thereon.
Meaning of प्रवासी in English
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