Meaning of पादरी in English
- An ecclesiastic who has a chapel, or who performs religious service in a chapel.
- A clergyman who is officially attached to the army or navy, to some public institution, or to a family or court, for the purpose of performing divine service.
- Any person (clergyman or layman) chosen to conduct religious exercises for a society, etc.; as, a chaplain of a Masonic or a temperance lodge.
- The body of men set apart, by due ordination, to the service of God, in the Christian church, in distinction from the laity; in England, usually restricted to the ministers of the Established Church.
- Learning; also, a learned profession.
- The privilege or benefit of clergy.
- An ordained minister; a man regularly authorized to preach the gospel, and administer its ordinances; in England usually restricted to a minister of the Established Church.
- Of or pertaining to the church. See Ecclesiastical.
- A person in holy orders, or consecrated to the service of the church and the ministry of religion; a clergyman; a priest.
- A person who represents a parish in its ecclesiastical and corporate capacities; hence, the rector or incumbent of a parochial church, who has full possession of all the rights thereof, with the cure of souls.
- Any clergyman having ecclesiastical preferment; one who is in orders, or is licensed to preach; a preacher.
- Alt. of Parsonical
- A certain portion of lands, tithes, and offerings, for the maintenance of the parson of a parish.
- The glebe and house, or the house only, owned by a parish or ecclesiastical society, and appropriated to the maintenance or use of the incumbent or settled pastor.
- Money paid for the support of a parson.
- A shepherd; one who has the care of flocks and herds.
- A guardian; a keeper; specifically (Eccl.), a minister having the charge of a church and parish.
- A species of starling (Pastor roseus), native of the plains of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Its head is crested and glossy greenish black, and its back is rosy. It feeds largely upon locusts.
Meaning of पादरी in English
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