Meaning of निषिद्ध in English
- of Prohibit
- of Barber
- of Demit
- of Enfeoff
- of Forbid
- Prohibited; interdicted.
- Imperative.
- One who favors prohibitory duties on foreign goods in commerce; a protectionist.
- One who favors the prohibition of the sale (or of the sale and manufacture) of alcoholic liquors as beverages.
- of Tabby
- A total prohibition of intercourse with, use of, or approach to, a given person or thing under pain of death, -- an interdict of religious origin and authority, formerly common in the islands of Polynesia; interdiction.
- To put under taboo; to forbid, or to forbid the use of; to interdict approach to, or use of; as, to taboo the ground set apart as a sanctuary for criminals.
- of Taboo
- Not bidden; not commanded.
- Uninvited; as, unbidden guests.
- Being without a prayer.
Meaning of निषिद्ध in English
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