Meaning of निर्विवाद in English
- Not contestable; not to be disputed; that cannot be called in question or controverted; incontrovertible; indisputable; as, incontestable evidence, truth, or facts.
- Not disputable; incontrovertible; too evident to admit of dispute.
- Not deniable; incapable of denial; palpably true; indisputable; obvious; as, undeniable evidence.
- Unobjectionable; unquestionably excellent; as, a person of undeniable connections.
- Not questionable; as, an unquestionable title.
- Not inviting questions or conversation.
- Not called in question; not doubted.
- Not interrogated; having no questions asked; not examined or examined into.
- Indisputable; not to be opposed or impugned.
- Having the same bounds; terminating at the same time or place; conterminous.
- Capable of being deciphered; as, old writings not decipherable.
- Interminable.
- Not conclusive; leading to no conclusion; not closing or settling a point in debate, or a doubtful question; as, evidence is inconclusive when it does not exhibit the truth of a disputed case in such a manner as to satisfy the mind, and put an end to debate or doubt.
- Not confutable.
- Unconscionable.
- Indeciduous.
- Having no decidua; nondeciduate.
- Not deciduous or falling, as the leaves of trees in autumn; lasting; evergreen; persistent; permanent; perennial.
- Not decisive; not bringing to a final or ultimate issue; as, an indecisive battle, argument, answer.
- Undetermined; prone to indecision; irresolute; unsettled; wavering; vacillating; hesitating; as, an indecisive state of mind; an indecisive character.
- Not decorous; violating good manners; contrary to good breeding or etiquette; unbecoming; improper; out of place; as, indecorous conduct.
- Making no distinction; not discriminating.
- To render unfit or unsuited; to disqualify.
- To disorder slightly as regards health; to make somewhat.
- To disincline; to render averse or unfavorable; as, a love of pleasure indisposes the mind to severe study; the pride and selfishness of men indispose them to religious duties.
- of Indispose
- Undisputed.
- In an indissoluble manner.
- Not distinct or distinguishable; not separate in such a manner as to be perceptible by itself; as, the indistinct parts of a substance.
- Obscure to the mind or senses; not clear; not definite; confused; imperfect; faint; as, indistinct vision; an indistinct sound; an indistinct idea or recollection.
- Incapable of being supposed; not supposable; inconceivable.
- Not to be remedied, corrected, or redressed; incurable; as, an irremediable disease or evil.
- Want of acquaintance; the state of being unacquainted.
- Not admitting of, or characterized by, inflection.
- Having no rudder.
- Alt. of Unconcluding
- Inconclusive.
- Not confounded.
- Not conscionable; not conforming to reason; unreasonable; exceeding the limits of any reasonable claim or expectation; inordinate; as, an unconscionable person or demand; unconscionable size.
- Not guided by, or conformed to, conscience.
- Incontestable.
- Incapable of being daunted; intrepid; fearless; indomitable.
- Indecisive.
- Not determinable; indeterminable.
- Nor determinate; not settled or certain; indeterminate.
- Want of discernment.
- Indispensable.
- Unavoidable; inevitable.
- Not to be freed by dispensation.
- Not dispensed.
- Not freed by dispensation.
- Indisputable.
- Making no distinctions; not discriminating; impartial.
- Not liable to any exception or objection; unobjectionable; faultless; good; excellent; as, a man of most unexceptionable character.
- Inexcusable.
- In an unexpert manner.
- Inimitable.
- Want or failure of intermission.
- Unmerciful; merciless.
- Incapable of being mistaken or misunderstood; clear; plain; obvious; evident.
Meaning of निर्विवाद in English
English usage of निर्विवाद
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