Meaning of निराशाजनक in English
- of Disappoint
- Fatal; ill-omened; unlucky.
- Gloomy to the eye or ear; sorrowful and depressing to the feelings; foreboding; cheerless; dull; dreary; as, a dismal outlook; dismal stories; a dismal place.
- Destitute of hope; having no expectation of good; despairing.
- Giving no ground of hope; promising nothing desirable; desperate; as, a hopeless cause.
- Unhoped for; despaired of.
- Dull; dusky; somewhat dark; gloomy; as, a somber forest; a somber house.
- Melancholy; sad; grave; depressing; as, a somber person; somber reflections.
- To make somber, or dark; to make shady.
- Gloom; obscurity; duskiness; somberness.
- of Demoralize
- of Demur
- of Depaint
- of Depilate
- Having the quality or power of removing hair.
- An application used to take off hair.
- of Depolarize
- of Depress
- of Depurate
- of Despumate
- of Disconcert
- of Disenchant
- of Disgavel
- of Dishearten
- of Disherit
- of Dishevel
- of Dispirit
- One who believes in reprobation. See Reprobation, 2.
Meaning of निराशाजनक in English
English usage of निराशाजनक
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