Meaning of ध्वनित करणे in English
- To introduce gently or slowly, as by a winding or narrow passage, or a gentle, persistent movement.
- To introduce artfully; to infuse gently; to instill.
- To hint; to suggest by remote allusion; -- often used derogatorily; as, did you mean to insinuate anything?
- To push or work (one's self), as into favor; to introduce by slow, gentle, or artful means; to ingratiate; -- used reflexively.
- To creep, wind, or flow in; to enter gently, slowly, or imperceptibly, as into crevices.
- To ingratiate one's self; to obtain access or favor by flattery or cunning.
Meaning of ध्वनित करणे in English
English usage of ध्वनित करणे
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