Meaning of दुग्धशर्करा in English
- Suckling; giving suck.
- A salt of lactic acid.
- Of or pertaining to milk; procured from sour milk or whey; as, lactic acid; lactic fermentation, etc.
- An instrument for determining the amount of butter fat contained in a given sample of milk.
- A form of hydrometer, specially graduated, for finding the density of milk, and thus discovering whether it has been mixed with water or some of the cream has been removed.
- An instrument for estimating the purity or richness of milk, as a measuring glass, a specific gravity bulb, or other apparatus.
- A peculiar albuminous body considered a normal constituent of milk.
- An instrument for estimating the amount of cream contained in milk by ascertaining its relative opacity.
- Sugar of milk or milk sugar; a crystalline sugar present in milk, and separable from the whey by evaporation and crystallization. It has a slightly sweet taste, is dextrorotary, and is much less soluble in water than either cane sugar or glucose. Formerly called lactin.
- See Galactose.
- The inspissated juice of the common lettuce, sometimes used as a substitute for opium.
- A white, crystalline substance, having a bitter taste and a neutral reaction, and forming one of the essential ingredients of lactucarium.
- An organic residue or radical derived from lactic acid.
Meaning of दुग्धशर्करा in English
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