Meaning of तलवार in English
- A sword with one sharp edge.
- In England, a stick with a basket handle, used in rustic amusements; also, the game in which the stick is used. Also called singlestick.
- A sword with a broad blade and a cutting edge; a claymore.
- A weapon formerly used, consisting of a large blade fixed on the end of a pole, whose edge was on the outside curve; also, a light lance with a long sharp-pointed head.
- A sword; -- used poetically and loosely.
- An offensive weapon, having a long and usually sharp/pointed blade with a cutting edge or edges. It is the general term, including the small sword, rapier, saber, scimiter, and many other varieties.
- Hence, the emblem of judicial vengeance or punishment, or of authority and power.
- Destruction by the sword, or in battle; war; dissension.
- The military power of a country.
- One of the end bars by which the lay of a hand loom is suspended.
- A humming bird (Docimastes ensiferus) having a very long, slender bill, exceeding the length of the body of the bird.
- One who uses, or fights with, a sword; a swordsman; a soldier; a cutthroat.
- Girded with a sword.
- The spotted gunnel (Muraenoides gunnellus).
- The state of being a swordsman; skill in the use of the sword.
- The limulus.
- Any hemipterous insect of the genus Uroxiphus, found upon forest trees.
- See Swoon, v. & n.
Meaning of तलवार in English
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किसी की खुशी कहाँ किसी से देखी जाती है,
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कुछ सीखना है तो हारना होगा,
यहाँ हारकर ही सीखी जाती है ।
ये जिंदगी तो अब दवाओं पर चल रही है ,
मन की पहलुएं पल - पल बदल रहीं हैं,
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