Meaning of जुगार in English
- To garrison; to put in garrison, or to protect by a garrison.
- of Gabble
- Same as Gamashes.
- Any bird of the genuis Totanus. See Tattler.
- The inspissated juice of a plant (Uncaria Gambir) growing in Malacca. It is a powerful astringent, and, under the name of Terra Japonica, is used for chewing with the Areca nut, and is exported for tanning and dyeing.
- Catechu.
- A performer upon the viola di gamba. See under Viola.
- A mode of opening the game, in which a pawn is sacrificed to gain an attacking position.
- To play or game for money or other stake.
- To lose or squander by gaming; -- usually with away.
- of Gamble
- One who gambles.
- A concrete juice, or gum resin, produced by several species of trees in Siam, Ceylon, and Malabar. It is brought in masses, or cylindrical rolls, from Cambodia, or Cambogia, -- whence its name. The best kind is of a dense, compact texture, and of a beatiful reddish yellow. Taking internally, it is a strong and harsh cathartic and emetic.
- of Gambol
- The hind leg of a horse.
- A stick crooked like a horse's hind leg; -- used by butchers in suspending slaughtered animals.
- To truss or hang up by means of a gambrel.
- An old wife; an old woman; -- correlative of gaffer, an old man.
- of Gammon
- The lashing or iron band by which the bowsprit of a vessel is secured to the stem to opposite the lifting action of the forestays.
- The act of imposing upon or hoaxing a person.
- Having the flavor of game, esp. of game kept uncooked till near the condition of tainting; high-flavored.
- Showing an unyielding spirit to the last; plucky; furnishing sport; as, a gamy trout.
Meaning of जुगार in English
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