Meaning of चुनाव in English
- Chosen; taken by preference from among two or more.
- Chosen as the object of mercy or divine favor; set apart to eternal life.
- Chosen to an office, but not yet actually inducted into it; as, bishop elect; governor or mayor elect.
- One chosen or set apart.
- Those who are chosen for salvation.
- To pick out; to select; to choose.
- To select or take for an office; to select by vote; as, to elect a representative, a president, or a governor.
- To designate, choose, or select, as an object of mercy or favor.
- of Elect
- The act of choosing; choice; selection.
- The act of choosing a person to fill an office, or to membership in a society, as by ballot, uplifted hands, or viva voce; as, the election of a president or a mayor.
- Power of choosing; free will; liberty to choose or act.
- Discriminating choice; discernment.
- Divine choice; predestination of individuals as objects of mercy and salvation; -- one of the "five points" of Calvinism.
- The choice, made by a party, of two alternatives, by taking one of which, the chooser is excluded from the other.
- Those who are elected.
- A court formerly held in several cities of England; specif., a court held in London, before the lord mayor, recorder, and sheriffs, to determine certain classes of suits for the recovery of lands within the city. In the progress of law reform this court has become unimportant.
- Any one of the temporary courts held for the election of members of the British Parliament.
- The platform on which candidates for Parliament formerly stood in addressing the electors.
Meaning of चुनाव in English
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