Meaning of गती in English
- To cause to move faster; to quicken the motion of; to add to the speed of; -- opposed to retard.
- To quicken the natural or ordinary progression or process of; as, to accelerate the growth of a plant, the increase of wealth, etc.
- To hasten, as the occurence of an event; as, to accelerate our departure.
- To celebrate together.
- of Momentum
- Capability of motion; contractility.
- The act, process, or state of changing place or position; movement; the passing of a body from one place or position to another, whether voluntary or involuntary; -- opposed to rest.
- Power of, or capacity for, motion.
- Direction of movement; course; tendency; as, the motion of the planets is from west to east.
- Change in the relative position of the parts of anything; action of a machine with respect to the relative movement of its parts.
- Movement of the mind, desires, or passions; mental act, or impulse to any action; internal activity.
- A proposal or suggestion looking to action or progress; esp., a formal proposal made in a deliberative assembly; as, a motion to adjourn.
- An application made to a court or judge orally in open court. Its object is to obtain an order or rule directing some act to be done in favor of the applicant.
- Change of pitch in successive sounds, whether in the same part or in groups of parts.
- A puppet show or puppet.
- To make a significant movement or gesture, as with the hand; as, to motion to one to take a seat.
- To make proposal; to offer plans.
- To direct or invite by a motion, as of the hand or head; as, to motion one to a seat.
- To propose; to move.
- A woodpecker; -- called also specht, spekt, spight.
- Asperagus.
Meaning of गती in English
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