Meaning of कातडी in English
- Resembling leather in appearance or consistence; tough.
- A band in the same position as the bend sinister, but only half as broad as the latter.
- The slope of the ditch nearest the parapet; the escarp.
- A steep descent or declivity.
- To cut down perpendicularly, or nearly so; as, to scarp the face of a ditch or a rock.
- of Scarp
- A Mediterranean food fish (Sparisoma scarus) of excellent quality and highly valued by the Romans; -- called also parrot fish.
- Emitting sparks, or fine igneous particles; sparkling.
- To give scant measure; to squeeze or pinch in order to effect a saving.
- Having the skin adhering closely and rigidly to the flesh; hidebound.
- of Skinful
- Quality of being skinny.
- of Skin
- One who, or that which, skulks.
- A common pot herb (Spinacia oleracea) belonging to the Goosefoot family.
- Any one or several species of swifts of the genus Acanthylis, or Chaetura, and allied genera, in which the shafts of the tail feathers terminate in rigid spines.
- Any one of several species of South American and Central American clamatorial birds belonging to Synallaxis and allied genera of the family Dendrocolaptidae. They are allied to the ovenbirds.
- The ruddy duck.
- Quality of being spiny.
- Spinose; thorny.
- Having the form of a spine or thorn; spinelike.
- The business of one who spins; spinning.
- Consisting of splinters; resembling splinters; as, the splintery fracture of a mineral.
- Abounding in stems, or mixed with stems; -- said of tea, dried currants, etc.
Meaning of कातडी in English
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