Meaning of कदाचित in English
- Worthy of belief; probable; credible; as, a likely story.
- Having probability; having or giving reason to expect; -- followed by the infinitive; as, it is likely to rain.
- Similar; like; alike.
- Such as suits; good-looking; pleasing; agreeable; handsome.
- Having such qualities as make success probable; well adapted to the place; promising; as, a likely young man; a likely servant.
- In all probability; probably.
- Perhaps; possibly; peradventure.
- Possible; probable, but not sure.
- Possibility; uncertainty.
- of May
- imp. of May.
- Force or power of any kind, whether of body or mind; energy or intensity of purpose, feeling, or action; means or resources to effect an object; strength; force; power; ability; capacity.
- By chance; perhaps; it may be; if; supposing.
- Chance; hap; hence, doubt; question; as, proved beyond peradventure.
- By chance; peradventure; perchance; it may be.
- In a probable manner; in likelihood.
- Suited to the object, occasion, purpose, or character; suitable; fit; becoming; comely; decorous.
- In a decent or suitable manner; becomingly.
Meaning of कदाचित in English
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