Meaning of उपहास in English
- The act of deriding, or the state of being derided; mockery; scornful or contemptuous treatment which holds one up to ridicule.
- An object of derision or scorn; a laughing-stock.
- of Jest
- Sportive; not serious; fit for jests.
- The act or practice of making jests; joking; pleasantry.
- An object of sport or laughter; a laughingstock; a laughing matter.
- Remarks concerning a subject or a person designed to excite laughter with a degree of contempt; wit of that species which provokes contemptuous laughter; disparagement by making a person an object of laughter; banter; -- a term lighter than derision.
- Quality of being ridiculous; ridiculousness.
- To laugh at mockingly or disparagingly; to awaken ridicule toward or respecting.
- Ridiculous.
- One who ridicules.
- of Ridicule
- Derision; ridicule; mockery; derisive or mocking expression of scorn, contempt, or reproach.
- An object of scorn, mockery, or derision.
- To show insolent ridicule or mockery; to manifest contempt by derisive acts or language; -- often with at.
- To treat or address with derision; to assail scornfully; to mock at.
- To show contempt by turning up the nose, or by a particular facial expression.
- To inssinuate contempt by a covert expression; to speak derisively.
- To show mirth awkwardly.
- To utter with a grimace or contemptuous expression; to utter with a sneer; to say sneeringly; as, to sneer fulsome lies at a person.
- To treat with sneers; to affect or move by sneers.
- The act of sneering.
- A smile, grin, or contortion of the face, indicative of contempt; an indirect expression or insinuation of contempt.
- Very high or tall; as, a ship with taunt masts.
- To reproach with severe or insulting words; to revile; to upbraid; to jeer at; to flout.
- Upbraiding language; bitter or sarcastic reproach; insulting invective.
- A summing up in a brief account.
- A mode of speech peculiar to the French; a French idiom; also, in general, a French mode or custom.
- The quality or state of being giddy.
- The quality of being indelicate; want of delicacy, or of a nice sense of, or regard for, purity, propriety, or refinement in manners, language, etc.; rudeness; coarseness; also, that which is offensive to refined taste or purity of mind.
- The act of voiding urine; also, a morbidly frequent passing of the urine, in consequence of disease.
- Mockery.
- The act of mocking, deriding, and exposing to contempt, by mimicry, by insincere imitation, or by a false show of earnestness; a counterfeit appearance.
- Insulting or contemptuous action or speech; contemptuous merriment; derision; ridicule.
- Subject of laughter, derision, or sport.
- The act of winking.
- The employment, arts, or practices of a pander.
- The state or quality of having a little or ignoble mind; pettiness; meanness; -- opposed to magnanimity.
- Plutocracy; the rule of wealth.
- Prelacy.
- The quality of being sabulous; sandiness; grittiness.
- Abnormal formation of flesh.
- Sarcoma.
- Thin boards for sheathing, as above the rafters, and under the shingles or slates, and for similar purposes.
- Satiety.
- The act of scoffing; scoffing conduct; mockery.
- Seats in the chancel of a church near the altar for the officiating clergy during intervals of service.
- A woman who seduces.
- A genus of plants, mostly perennial, having succulent leaves and cymose flowers; orpine; stonecrop.
- A sestet.
- To make a hissing sound; as, a flatiron hot enough to siss when touched with a wet finger.
- A hissing noise.
- A subordinate variety, or a division of a variety.
Meaning of उपहास in English
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