Meaning of उपनाम in English
- An additional or fourth name given by the Romans, on account of some remarkable exploit or event; as, Publius Caius Scipio Africanus.
- An additional name, or an epithet appended to a name; as, Aristides the Just.
- of Alias
- Otherwise; otherwise called; -- a term used in legal proceedings to connect the different names of any one who has gone by two or more, and whose true name is for any cause doubtful; as, Smith, alias Simpson.
- At another time.
- A second or further writ which is issued after a first writ has expired without effect.
- Another name; an assumed name.
- The last of the three names of a person among the ancient Romans, denoting his house or family.
- A surname.
- of Nickname
- A name given in contempt, derision, or sportive familiarity; a familiar or an opprobrious appellation.
- To give a nickname to; to call by a nickname.
- A fictitious name assumed for the time, as by an author; a pen name.
- A name or appellation which is added to, or over and above, the baptismal or Christian name, and becomes a family name.
- An appellation added to the original name; an agnomen.
- To name or call by an appellation added to the original name; to give a surname to.
- Alt. of Eponyme
- A paronymous word.
- Having the same derivation; allied radically; conjugate; -- said of certain words, as man, mankind, manhood, etc.
- Having a similar sound, but different orthography and different meaning; -- said of certain words, as al/ and awl; hair and hare, etc.
Meaning of उपनाम in English
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