Meaning of अप्रभावी in English
- Not effective; ineffectual; futile; inefficient; useless; as, an ineffective appeal.
- In an ineffective manner; without effect; inefficiently; ineffectually.
- Not producing the proper effect; without effect; inefficient; weak; useless; futile; unavailing; as, an ineffectual attempt; an ineffectual expedient.
- Not efficient; not producing the effect intended or desired; inefficacious; as, inefficient means or measures.
- Incapable of, or indisposed to, effective action; habitually slack or remiss; effecting little or nothing; as, inefficient workmen; an inefficient administrator.
- Unaffected.
- In a manner not to be expressed in words; unspeakably.
- Incapable of being effaced; indelible; ineradicable.
- Ineffectual; impracticable.
- So as not to be effaceable.
- Not capable or susceptible of effervescence.
- Inexpressible.
- Not expressive; not having the power of utterance; inexpressive.
- Incapable of being expressed; inexpressible; unutterable; ineffable.
- To mar or destroy the perfection of.
- Imperfect.
- Not sophisticated; pure; innocent; genuine.
- Not sparing; not parsimonious; liberal; profuse.
- Not merciful or forgiving.
Meaning of अप्रभावी in English
English usage of अप्रभावी
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