Meaning of अपव्यय in English
- The act of dissipating or dispersing; a state of dispersion or separation; dispersion; waste.
- A dissolute course of life, in which health, money, etc., are squandered in pursuit of pleasure; profuseness in vicious indulgence, as late hours, riotous living, etc.; dissoluteness.
- A trifle which wastes time or distracts attention.
- A wandering beyond proper limits; an excursion or sally from the usual way, course, or limit.
- The state of being extravagant, wild, or prodigal beyond bounds of propriety or duty; want of moderation; excess; especially, undue expenditure of money; vaid and superfluous expense; prodigality; as, extravagance of anger, love, expression, imagination, demands.
- The broken state produced by decay and the infirmities of age; infirm old age.
- To divest; to undress.
- To take away, as an authority, title, etc., to deprive; to alienate, as an estate.
- To be taken away, lost, or alienated, as a title or an estate.
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Meaning of अपव्यय in English
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