Meaning of کپڑے in English
- A woven fabric originally made of camel's hair, now chiefly of goat's hair and silk, or of wool and cotton.
- of Cloth
- Covering for the human body; dress; vestments; vesture; -- a general term for whatever covering is worn, or is made to be worn, for decency or comfort.
- The covering of a bed; bedclothes.
- A forked piece of wood, or a small spring clamp, used for fastening clothes on a line.
- See Closure, 5.
- Dress in general; esp., the distinctive style of dress of a people, class, or period.
- Such an arrangement of accessories, as in a picture, statue, poem, or play, as is appropriate to the time, place, or other circumstances represented or described.
- A character dress, used at fancy balls or for dramatic purposes.
- Persistent portions of a calyx or corolla; also, leaves which do not disarticulate from the stem, and hence remain for a long time.
- A fitting out, or equipment, as of a ship for a voyage, or of a person for an expedition in an unoccupied region or residence in a foreign land; things required for equipment; the expense of, or allowance made for, equipment, as by the government of the United States to a diplomatic agent going abroad.
- To wear out; to consume or destroy by wearing.
- To last longer than; to outlast; as, this cloth will outwear the other.
Meaning of کپڑے in English
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