Meaning of پیتل in English
- Same as Brazen.
- An alloy (usually yellow) of copper and zinc, in variable proportion, but often containing two parts of copper to one part of zinc. It sometimes contains tin, and rarely other metals.
- A journal bearing, so called because frequently made of brass. A brass is often lined with a softer metal, when the latter is generally called a white metal lining. See Axle box, Journal Box, and Bearing.
- Coin made of copper, brass, or bronze.
- Impudence; a brazen face.
- Utensils, ornaments, or other articles of brass.
- A brass plate engraved with a figure or device. Specifically, one used as a memorial to the dead, and generally having the portrait, coat of arms, etc.
- Lumps of pyrites or sulphuret of iron, the color of which is near to that of brass.
- Of or pertaining to brass; having the nature, appearance, or hardness, of brass.
- Impudent; impudently bold.
- An alloy of copper and tin, to which small proportions of other metals, especially zinc, are sometimes added. It is hard and sonorous, and is used for statues, bells, cannon, etc., the proportions of the ingredients being varied to suit the particular purposes. The varieties containing the higher proportions of tin are brittle, as in bell metal and speculum metal.
- A statue, bust, etc., cast in bronze.
- A yellowish or reddish brown, the color of bronze; also, a pigment or powder for imitating bronze.
- Boldness; impudence; "brass."
- To give an appearance of bronze to, by a coating of bronze powder, or by other means; to make of the color of bronze; as, to bronze plaster casts; to bronze coins or medals.
- To make hard or unfeeling; to brazen.
- of Bronze
Meaning of پیتل in English
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