Meaning of پاؤڈر in English
- One who assents.
- The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding, grinding, or triturating, or into which it falls by decay; dust.
- An explosive mixture used in gunnery, blasting, etc.; gunpowder. See Gunpowder.
- To reduce to fine particles; to pound, grind, or rub into a powder; to comminute; to pulverize; to triturate.
- To sprinkle with powder, or as with powder; to be sprinkle; as, to powder the hair.
- To sprinkle with salt; to corn, as meat.
- To be reduced to powder; to become like powder; as, some salts powder easily.
- To use powder on the hair or skin; as, she paints and powders.
- Easily crumbling to pieces; friable; loose; as, a powdery spar.
- Sprinkled or covered with powder; dusty; as, the powdery bloom on plums.
- Resembling powder; consisting of powder.
- A soft mineral of a soapy feel and a greenish, whitish, or grayish color, usually occurring in foliated masses. It is hydrous silicate of magnesia. Steatite, or soapstone, is a compact granular variety.
Meaning of پاؤڈر in English
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