Meaning of سزا in English
- Corrective punishment; chastisement; reproof; pungent criticism.
- Emendation; correction.
- To correct by punishment; to inflict pain upon the purpose of reclaiming; to discipline; as, to chasten a son with a rod.
- To purify from errors or faults; to refine.
- The act of convicting; the act of proving, finding, or adjudging, guilty of an offense.
- A judgment of condemnation entered by a court having jurisdiction; the act or process of finding guilty, or the state of being found guilty of any crime by a legal tribunal.
- The act of convincing of error, or of compelling the admission of a truth; confutation.
- The state of being convinced or convicted; strong persuasion or belief; especially, the state of being convicted of sin, or by one's conscience.
- A neck or narrow slip of land by which two continents are connected, or by which a peninsula is united to the mainland; as, the Isthmus of Panama; the Isthmus of Suez, etc.
- Kissing; hence, meeting; clinging.
- Adhering closely; embracing; -- applied to certain creeping animals, as caterpillars.
- Intermediate in character, or on the border, between two genera, groups, families, etc., of animals or plants, and partaking somewhat of the characters of each, thus forming a connecting link; interosculant; as, the genera by which two families approximate are called osculant genera.
- One or two whom a pledge is delivered as security; one who takes anything in pawn.
- Of or pertaining to the Pontus, Euxine, or Black Sea.
- A puncturing, or pricking; a puncture.
- Pungency.
- The quality or state of being puny; littleness; pettiness; feebleness.
- The act of punishing.
- Any pain, suffering, or loss inflicted on a person because of a crime or offense.
- A penalty inflicted by a court of justice on a convicted offender as a just retribution, and incidentally for the purposes of reformation and prevention.
- Punishment.
Meaning of سزا in English
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